10 Things To Bring on your Fishing Trip
Being prepared for your fishing adventure is always better than realizing that you’ve forgotten something and you need to abandon your trip. Having everything from the best fishing goods store in Medford makes your trip enjoyable. Here’s a list of some of the top things that you must carry with you when you get to the water: 1. The Rod: This is an essential piece of fishing equipment. Always carry a backup along with the primary fishing rod. The backup ensures that if something happens to your primary rod, you have another one to continue fishing. 2. Reel: Supplying your fishing rod with the right reel is vital since each type of fishing reel needs a specific set of skills and functions. There are four types of reels to choose from - bait casting, spinning, fly reels, and spincast. Remember to clean the reels before use. 3. Lines: You can expect to meet any kinds of snags causing the brea...