Hunting Gear You're Probably Not De-Scenting


Many hunters are aware of how important it is to keep hunting gear scent-free. However, most of them forget to do so. Keeping the importance of de-scenting in mind, here is a list of hunting gear items that you must de-scent on priority.

  1. Boots

One of the first pieces of hunting gear that must be scent-free is your boots. Your feet release smell. Moreover, you walk through several things that introduce foreign smells into your boots. So, as you are all set to leave for your hunt, spray all over, including the laces and soles.

  1. Hat

Your hat is another hunting gear item that you must de-scent. The hat can smell terrible if you wear it for all your hunts to the field. It is advised that you wash it. However, if you don’t have the time to do that, you can spray it down. A stinky hat can let the deer know where you are from five miles.

  1. Gloves

You need your gloves for hunting, particularly in the winters. Just like your feet, your hands can smell bad as well. So, always remember to wash your gloves. After you have washed your gloves, spray them down before you head out for the hunt.

  1. Face masks

The face mask is another vital hunting gear that you need to de-scent. Worn more often in winters, the mask tends to trap the scent emitted in your breath. Washing the mask after every hunt is a good idea because it is healthier to wear a scent-free mask each time you step out in the field.

  1. Backpack

Most hunters don’t realize this, but their backpacks can be an incredibly stinky part of the hunting gear. It can absorb a lot of sweat from your waist and back, along with the smell of all the things inside it. Wash the bag or at least spray the back and straps before you leave.

Remember to use de-scenting spray and cleaner for the purpose. These are healthy for the environment and easily available at a hunting and camping gear store in Medford.


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